The expedition that searched for the tallest tree in the Amazon and found a sanctuary of giant specimens

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Aerial view of the Paru Rainforest Reserve in the Amazon, last May, in a photo released by the expedition.

Entering the Paru rainforest reserve, one of the most inaccessible and best preserved regions of the Amazon Rainforest, is truly special even for a seasoned veteran of the Brazilian jungles: “When I got there, my eyes shone like a child’s when they saw a sweet. I know other ecosystems, but this one is practically intact,” recalls forestry engineer Lucyana Santos in a video interview. Santos participated in a two-week scientific expedition last May that aimed to reach the tallest tree in the Amazon, an angelim vermelho (Dinizia excelsa) measuring 88.5 meters (twice the height of Rio de Janeiro’s Cristo Redentor, a 30-story tower), which was discovered five years ago in the west of the Brazilian state of Pará.

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In the sanctuary of giant trees, the expedition located a 73-meter tree with a trunk three meters in diameter.Aerial view of the expedition of Ideflor, the Sustainable Amazon Foundation, the Andes Amazonia Fund (FAA) and the Federal Institute of the neighboring state of Amapá (IFAP), last May, in a promotional image.

The Paru Rainforest Reserve is one of the most inaccessible and best preserved regions of the Brazilian Amazon.
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