María Corina Machado: “Maduro must be made to understand that his best option is to accept a negotiated transition”.

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“Can you imagine if we had all the vote records scanned on the Internet and if you entered the number of your ID card in a web page and the image of the voting certificate of your center appeared? Wouldn’t that create more confidence? That is what it is all about, that as citizens we can face and overcome the obstacles placed by the National Electoral Council to the transparency and confidence of the electoral process”. María Corina Machado (Caracas, 56 years old) did not make these statements on Friday, during the interview with EL PAÍS. They are not even recent, although they summarize the plan with which she has put Nicolás Maduro in check after the elections of last July 28. The Venezuelan opposition leader made these statements 16 years ago, in 2008, when she had already specialized in electoral transparency issues and Hugo Chávez was in power.

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